Jackson, WY
The Final Recommended Report is now available (click here)
START Bus 2020-2025 Route Plan
START Bus has recently started an important project called the 2020-2025 Route Plan that will determine the future of how START’s routes can operate more effectively with maximum service effectiveness. The long-term strategic transit plan for START is established in the Jackson/Teton County Integrated Transportation Plan (the ITP is available at www.jacksontetonplan.com/239). The purpose of this START Routing Plan is to evaluate routing alternatives that will increase ridership and reduce vehicle miles traveled, the central tenant of the ITP.
Project Background
This Route Plan study is critical to improving ridership, making transit more competitive with driving, and maximizing existing resources of the current START bus hours. Given that the 2020-2025 Route Plan alternatives are limited by the existing resources, some of the routing actions or potential changes contemplated may not happen immediately. This Route Plan considers, among other things: routing options, service delivery modes, and supporting infrastructure needs (park and ride lots, bus stop improvements, hubs). This was accomplished through a series of steps that included:
Analysis of existing routes
Development of route alternatives
Technical analysis of the alternatives
Public input and review of the alternatives
Recommended alternative and final plan
Throughout the planning process, community input was critical.