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Angels Camp, CA

Angels Camp Main Street Corridor Plan

The Angels Camp Main Street Corridor Plan extends along State Route 49 in Angels Camp, California, between State Route 4 on the north and Vallecito Road on the south. LSC was retained as a subconsultant to Design Workshop, Inc. create a Main Street Corridor Plan for the management team and the City Council of Angels Camp.


LSC collected traffic volume data and accident data for the study corridor and calculated Levels of Service for the study intersections. We assisted with the design guidelines, circulation and parking management, and gateway features and location.


Del Norte County, CA

Elk Valley Road Multimodal Corridor Plan

Elk Valley Road was the original highway along the Pacific Coast in Del Norte, California.  While bypassed by a newer alignment of Highway 101, it still serves as an important local roadway providing access to Redwoods National Park and local residential and commercial uses.  It is also an important link in the regional bicycle network.  However, it still has a narrow rural roadway cross-section.  Concerned with the high crash rate and desiring a roadway that better serves all users, the Del Norte Local Transportation Commission hired a team consisting of Dokken Engineering and LSC to conduct a Multimodal Corridor Study.  The resulting plan has been approved by the Del Norte Local Transportation Commission Board as well as the Del Norte County Planning Commission and is currently being used as a basis for HSIP and State funding applications.

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Lincoln, NE

Lincoln Retail Corridors Transportation and Streetscape Plan

The Downtown Lincoln Alliance and City of Lincoln initiated a program of streetscape improvements in downtown Lincoln, focusing on the P Street and 14th Avenue corridors connecting the University of Nebraska campus with the popular Haymarket historic/commercial area. A multidisciplinary team led by Design Workshop was retained to prepare streetscape improvement plans for implementation in 2013.  LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. provided transportation planning/engineering expertise. 


Our tasks included the following:
•    Analyze roadway and intersection configuration options, including Synchro/Simtraffic modeling
•    Evaluate impacts of roadway options on parking, truck loading, and special events circulation
•    Develop operating and facility plans for a conceptual downtown circulator transit system
•    Identify improvements to pedestrian crossings of high-volumes roadways
•    Participate in public input sessions and plan adoption presentations