LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. has been involved in a wide variety of data collection since the firm's inception. Our studies have included machine traffic volume counts, peak-hour turning movement counts, parking lot turnover counts, vehicle classification counts, speed and delay studies, and accident data collection from state transportation departments and local jurisdictions.
We furnish the client with the summarized data and, if requested, will provide additional information detailing an intersection s level of service, future daily or peak-hour traffic volumes, and the directional distribution of traffic in the area. The average daily traffic (ADT), average weekday traffic (AWT), or average annual daily traffic (AADT) along a segment of roadway can also be determined from traffic count data. The firm utilizes the latest, state-of-the-art computer hardware and software in its computer-assisted analyses of transportation data.
Traffic accident data collection and analysis is another important service that we provide. In-depth accident investigations have been prepared based upon data from state highway departments and local jurisdictions for traffic safety studies and, most recently, for traffic impact analysis of new developments. These data are crucial in the determination of safety-related improvements and in the analysis of traffic impacts.
Finally, the firm has gained extensive experience conducting surveys and collecting data for transit planning purposes. These data collection efforts include survey instrument and form design, pretesting, surveyor training, data entry, data analysis, and report generation. Our capabilities to both collect and interpret the data allows for a more effective, comprehensive process than the use of separate firms.
Data Collection and Surveys
- Traffic Data Collection
- Parking Data Collection
- Speed and Travel Time Studies
- Bicycle/Pedestrian Data Collection
- Survey Design and Implementation
- Onboard Surveys/Passenger Counts
- Stakeholder Surveys